Названиевидеосюжета: “Top 15 best places to visit in Belarus”
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Цель: совершенствование навыков говорения на основе просмотренного видеофрагмента в рамках изучения темы «Республика Беларусь».
- Образовательная: содействовать совершенствованию навыков говорения, восприятия и понимания речи на слух.
- Развивающая: способствовать развитию психологических процессов внимания, памяти, логического мышления.
- Воспитательная: содействовать воспитанию любви и уважения к родной культуре.
Оборудование: мультиборд, раздаточный материал, доска, мел.
Разработала: учитель английского языка ГУО «Вейнянская средняя школа» Н.И. Юрченко.
- Преддемонстрационный этап.
Solve the riddle. As a result of solving the riddle, you got a proverb. Comment on the proverb: “East or west – home is best”. Try to guess what will be discussed in the video.
Answer the questions:
- What attracts people when they visit new places?
- What attracts people to Belarus in your opinion?
Look at the picture with the main historical places and sights of Belarus. There are 25 places in the picture. What places can you name? What places have you already visited? Discuss in pairs.
- Демонстрационный этап:
а) Первичныйпросмотр.
Now it's time to watch the video about the best places to visit in Belarus. Watch the video and answer the question: Which sights are mentioned in the text from those in the picture above?
б) Вторичныйпросмотр.
Watch the video again and choose the correct options:
- The tower in Kamenets is also known as:
a) The White Tower of Kamenets
b) The Black Tower of Kamenets
c) The Green Tower of Kamenets
- What is the oldest city in Belarus?
a) Krichev
b) Polotsk
c) Lida
- Mir Castle is situated in:
a) Gomel Region
b) Mogilev Region
c) Grodno Region
- You can dive into Belarusian history at:
a) The National Library
b) The National History Museum
c) The National Opera and Ballet Theatre
- How many lakes are there in the region that is known as “the blue necklace” of Belarus?
a) approximately 100 lakes
b) approximately 200 lakes
c) approximately 300 lakes
Fill in the gaps:
- Don`t miss a trip to Gorky Central Children`s Park that features … as well as…
- The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is a … of land as well as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- A memorial complex erected in the city of Brest that stands on the site of the original fortress, the Brest Fortress is dedicated to …
- The Ethnographic Museum“Dudutki” features … and offers a glimpse into the local traditions of Belarusian people.
- Kolozha Church is said to have been built in the …
III. Последемонстрационныйэтап:
Arrange the sights of the Republic of Belarus in the order of their appearance in the text:
Table 1: The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park Mir Castle Minsk The Pripyatsky National Park The Berestye Archaeological Museum Polotsk Grodno The Railway Museum in Brest The Ethnographic Museum “Dudutki” Nesvizh The Tower in Kamenets The “Braslav Lakes” National Park The Brest Fortress Lida The Sea of Minsk
Совершенствованиенавыковговорения. Discuss in pairs: What places would you like to visit and why?Use the help box with useful phrases:
Table 2 (Help Box)
- The next place I can`t wait to visit is …
- I`d like to go and see…
- Next time I`ll probably go to … because …
Choose one of the attractions from Table 1 and prepare a presentation. Be ready to present it to your class.
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